Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! We celebrated one yesterday, shopped today, and have another dinner tomorrow night. We hosted it this year and are loving having it at our house. Makes me so excited for when our little one is up and running around and possibly more babies 🙂 so thankful for her and my family. It’s seriously such a blessing. She adds so much joy and excitement to our lives.
We shopped a little bit for Alayna today. So exciting to think her first Christmas is just around the corner! Ill have to make a post of her Christmas list! Stay tuned 🙂



We had a great Halloween!! It was so different this year because of Alayna… We didn’t do our usual stay home and pass out candy while drinking wine and eating spaghetti. We still had wine and spaghetti, just late after making our rounds to the family. I couldn’t find a costume small enough for my original idea so we decided on this CUTE ladybug costume. Maybe next year I’ll try to find what I want. She had a blast at the festival with all the music and lights. This girl LOVES being outside!!

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